Saturday, August 14, 2010

Life in Sydney

We have been in Sydney for a little over two weeks and in that time we have accomplished a lot. After staying in a hostel for almost a week and a half we found a great place to live thats only a couple blocks away. We have a nice size room in an international house consisting of people from Scotland, Canada, Belgium, and Australia with two more people moving in in the next couple of weeks as the people who use to live here look for new people to take there place. Rent is not too bad here. We are paying about $600/month each.

Also we have successfully interviewed and got a job working at a call center. Life here is much more expensive but they also pay a lot more. For our first job in Sydney we are making $18.50/hr plus commission to set people up for appointments to get there Heart Check. We have also applied and received are Tax File ID Number and set up a Bank Account at a local bank called NAB so we will be able to get paid as well.

Today we finally figured out how to get internet set up. Apparently none of the houses here have internet so we bought a wireless modem that allows us to access the internet from anywhere so Ill be able to update this blog more frequently and post pictures again.

So far life in Sydney has been pretty great overall though with lots of backpackers hanging around this area there's something to do every night. Tomorrow we are going rock climbing with the roommates as part of what will hopefully become the start of a new tradition called "Sunday Funday" where we will try to do something random and new each week.

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