Saturday, July 31, 2010

Welcome to Sydney!

After a 9 hour flight from Phuket we have made it to Sydney.

To get our journey started here we have booked a hostel while we look for a more permanent residence. The hostel we are staying at is called D.Lux and is located in the center of Kings Cross. Since its the off season we got a deal where we are only paying $40 a night between the two of us. We decided we are just going to stay here until we find something better.

We have only been here a couple days now and have a potential apartment which is down the block for only $290/week. Its a 3 bedroom apartment which currently has one Aussie living there and a guy from Spain who will be moving in. We also have 3 interviews lined up so hopefully will be making some money soon so we can continue the adventures.

Its only been a couple days now but we have managed to make it to the famous Opera House in Sydney and we got to see the Harbour Bridge which apparently you can climb the top of it for $300. We plan on giving it a try after we have been working a couple weeks and have some more money saved up.

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