Monday, July 19, 2010

Advanced Open Water SCUBA Certified!

3 more dives and I have completed my Advanced Open Water Scuba Certification!!

Diving was amazing we did three more dives starting with deep dive where we got to go down to 30 Meters/90 Feet.

The next dive was a wreck dive where we got to go down about 25 Meters to see a ferry boat that sunk about 13 years ago. The wreck was really cool and there was a ton of fish swimming around it so there was a lot of marine life to look at. We swam around the boat and got to see some underwater toilets from the boat that were still intact. We also went around to the back of the boat where we got to swim through part of it into the middle which was really cool.

The final dive was a naturalistic dive where they taught me about different kinds of fish in the ocean and how to identify them.
Overall it was an amazing experience and hopefully will get to do one more dive before we leave Thailand now that I got my deep diving certification

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