Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reggae Bar = Muay Thai Fight

So after an amazing day with some great views we decided to make our way to a Reggae Bar where we heard there was Muay Thai fights. Once we got there we had ordered a couple buckets (Thai liquor and soda with ice) at the bar. We were enjoying watching a couple of Thai guys go at it when we saw a sign that said get in the ring and receive a free bucket.

The way it works is two random westerners would get in the ring and fight each other in a Muay Thai style fight for three rounds consisting of a minute each. I thought this sounded like fun so I decided to do jump into the ring and ended up having my first random Muay Thai fight and what led to be a very exciting 3 rounds of people yelling and cheering at me.

In the end I received a free bucket and got to have another random experience in Thailand.

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