Friday, July 23, 2010

Monkey Beach

Today we woke up and go on an adventure of the island where you hop on a little boat and drive around to different beaches. The first beach we went to was a beach called Monkey Beach where little Monkeys were everywhere on this secluded beach. You saw everything from Monkeys drinking Pepsi and eating Coconuts. The Monkeys were unbelievable to look at it until they decided to start charging at you they like were going to attack you.

Fortunately we did not get attacked while we there but we did get a couple baby monkeys coming up and grabbing on to our shorts. Finally as we were walking off the island we did see a cool big sign that said "Beware Monkeys" and it had a picture of the Evil Monkey from Family Guy.

After that we continued our trip and went to some unbelievable beaches where we did some snorkeling and saw some amazing fish. As we were heading to the final beach a storm had hit out of no where which made for an interesting boat ride where we were all getting completely soaked as the rain started to come down real hard and began to feel like hail. As a result of the rain we couldn't take the boat to the final beach and had to swim from the boat to the back of the island by going through some sketchy rocks. The final beach we were going to was Maya Bay which is the famous beach from the movie "The Beach" so it only made sense that it was a challenge to get to. So after swimming over some shallow water with some pointing rocks and walking our way through the back of the island we finally made it to the beach with scratches and cuts on our feet.

It was all worth it though to be standing at what was probably one of the nicest beaches I have ever been to.

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